1MM @ SXSW: Bear in Heaven Bursts Eardrums, Kid Congo Covers the Cramps, Our Favorite New Discovery (Chicago’s Mickey) and More from Thursday in Austin

Photos by Aaron Richter

self-titled maindude Andrew Parks promised his art director that if he took some rad photos, he wouldn’t have to actually write anything at SXSW. So in lieu of any over-analytic write-ups, here are some Thursday photos of Think About Life (performing in a field outside the Fader Fort), Bear in Heaven (loud as fuck during the day), Bad Sports (doing their best Johnny Ramone pose at the Red 7 Patio), JEFF the Brotherhood and Magic Kids (at Emo’s yard), Generationals (at Club De Ville), Mickey (pictured above–if you’re in Austin, do not miss this band), and Kid Congo (covering “I’m Cramped” at Prague).

[Think About Life]

[Bear in Heaven]

[Bad Sports]

[JEFF the Brotherhood]

[Magic Kids]



[Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds]

[And one totally exhausted bear]

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