This mix is based around a reading of “Hydro,” taken from my recently published poetic collection A Tellurian Memorandum. Using tracks that I feel echo the sentiment of the book, I put together a dynamic environment that holds an unusual sense of space, where strange and unconventional interactions emerge or unfold.
It was a great opportunity to weave together some of my recent finds across a range of sonic forms, and to work with tracks and excerpts from some stunning pieces of soundscape composition, electroacoustic works, spoken word, and contemporary electronic music….
Bethan Kellough – Black-East from the Crow
Felicia Atkinson – The Waves
Yamaneko – Shaped Like Kaleidoscopes
Mark Fisher & Justin Barton – Walking on a Vanishing Land
C Lavender – Myth of Equilibrium
Sophia Loziou – #6 Hydro
Felicia Atkinson – A Swan
Sophia Loizou – Vestal Waters
Galya Bisengalieva – Zhalanash
C Lavender – Engulf the Mystery Aho
SSan – Intro
Dark Morph – SO(NG)QE
LEYA – Wave (actress remix)
Roly Porter – LUPO
Guy Andrews – 1.4
Jesse Osborne Lanthier – Neck Soap
Sophia Loizou – Inner Dreams
Paul Jebanasam – Various WIP’s
Chantal Dumas – Plaque antarctique de loin en loin
Sophia Loizou’s latest album, ‘Untold’, is now available through Houndstooth. Stream it below, along with some other selections from the producer’s back catalogue — a boundless mix of breakbeats, restless field recordings, and filmic ambient flourishes.